You are welcome to call or text us at our office number 405.776.0990 and let us know you are coming so that we can have a staff member ready to greet you when you arrive. Calling ahead is great, but we also welcome walk-ins anytime during our open hours Monday-Friday 8 A.M. – 5 P.M.
Follow the signs to the available parking lot for Cardinal Point visitors. The entrance to the parking lot is on Manning Road.
When you arrive, you will be offered something to eat and drink. We have safe waiting spaces for family, friends, and children if you would prefer to bring them with you to Cardinal Point.
A confidential, specially trained Cardinal Point staff member, who we refer to as a Navigator, will listen to you without judgement so that we can work alongside you to understand your experiences and explore options that prioritizes safety and healing.
The Navigator will work with you to address your concerns and your personal needs. You will learn more about the services available to you and be connected to our partners who specialize in various types of services for adult and child survivors. At no time will you be required to participate in any service. You direct the services you receive.
Cardinal Point is a supportive and welcoming community that we hope you will want to be a part of. You are not alone. We are honored to join you on your journey to safety, hope, and healing. You will be offered ongoing support and services.
We want you to learn more about Cardinal Point in the safest way possible. If you think your computer, tablet, or phone device is being monitored, it may be safer to learn more about Cardinal Point in another way.
Call us at 405-776-0990 to explore alternatives. You can exit the website at any time by clicking the “Quickly Exit” button in the bottom right hand corner of the page.