If you are hurting someone in your home, it is never too late to change and end abuse. Choosing to change your behavior is very important. A great first step is admitting your behavior is wrong, taking responsibility for the problem and getting help to make abuse stop for creating a healthier environment.

Steps you can take if you are harming others:

· Recognize that physical abuse and sexual abuse are only two types of abuse. End physical abuse and sexual abuse now, along with other types of harm such name calling, humiliation, intimidation, threats, controlling and jealous behavior.

· Be accountable and responsible for how your abuse affects your partner, children, family, and community. This includes accepting the consequences of your actions.

· Respect your partner and family’s right to be safe and healthy as you work toward change, even if it means you can’t be together.

· Comply with any commitments and/or court orders, including protective orders, child support orders, probation and parole, etc.

· Remember change is possible, you are not alone. Help is available by contacting the programs below.

Local Batterer’s Intervention Programs

Provide court-ordered assessments, educational classes, individual and family therapy, and clinical treatment programs to offenders and victims who suffer from the effects of trauma, substance abuse, mental illness or criminal behavior.

Family Builders is one of only a handful of organizations in the Oklahoma City area to offer a 52-week Batterer’s Intervention Program certified by the office of the Attorney General. 

A mental health clinic in Yukon, Oklahoma that provides diagnostic, treatment, and prescriptive services related to mental and behavioral disorders. 



The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers free and confidential support and information to anyone who wants to take responsibility for their use of harm.

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