Child Abuse

Child abuse can happen to any child. Child abuse often involves someone the child knows such as a parent, caregiver, family member, or friend of the family.

Child abuse refers to all types of abuse and neglect against a child under the age of 18 by a parent, caregiver, or another person in a custodial role that result in harm, potential harm, or threat of harm to a child.

Forms of child abuse:


Cardinal Point works closely with C.A.R.T. House to provide as many resources as possible for children in an abusive situation.

Learn more about C.A.R.T. House on their website.

Safety Planning

Every situation that involves child abuse is different, and every child responds differently. We can work alongside survivors on individualized, careful planning and ongoing evaluation of changing risks, level of external support, resources, and the options of safe pathways toward safety and healing.

When developmentally appropriate, children in families that have experienced domestic violence need to have their own safety plan and to be part of the adult survivor’s safety plan. This helps children with developing safety skills in response to identified risks.

If child abuse has happened or you are worried about a child’s safety, you can:

  • Call or Text 911 (In Oklahoma, Text to 911 is available in Canadian, Oklahoma, Cleveland and Logan Counties)
  • Call the Oklahoma Child Abuse Reporting Hotline at 1-800-522-3511
  • Get support and services by visiting Cardinal Point, calling or using our online chat feature.

Oklahoma Child Abuse Reporting Hotline

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