
Stalking can happen to anyone. People are often stalked by someone they know, such as a current or former intimate partner, acquaintance or family member. People can also be stalked by someone they do not know.

Stalking is a pattern (two or more incidents) of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. 

stalking behaviors

Survivors may not use the term “stalking” but they describe stalking behaviors including:

Surveillance: Such as following, showing up, spying, and using technology to keep tabs on the victim.

Life Invasion:  Such as repeated unwanted contact in person or by phone, text, email, card/note, message third party and social media.

Intimidation: Such as implicit and explicit threats, third party threats, forced confrontations, property damage and threatened suicide.

Interference: Such as disruption of the victim’s life at work and socially, as well as, physical and sexual attacks.

If stalking has happened to you or someone you care about, we can help.

Safety Planning

People who experience stalking may be fearful, or even angry, frustrated, and hopeless. The circumstances involved with experiencing stalking are different for everyone. We can work alongside survivors on individualized, careful planning and ongoing evaluation of changing risks, level of external support, resources, and the options of safe pathways toward safety and healing.

If stalking has happened to you or someone you care about, we can help.

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